Python Data Structures
#Number Representation in Computer
Computers operate using Boolean numbers(base 2) while humans use numbers with base 10. To store base 10 numbers computers need to encode it in Boolean form. This is commonly done using Int or float format.
The 32-bit int data type can hold integer values in the range of −2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 [$- \left( 2 ^ { 31 } \right) \text { to } 2 ^ { 31 } - 1$] and 64 bit is in the range $- \left( 2 ^ { 63 } \right) \text { to } 2 ^ { 63 } - 1$
To store larger numbers we use float which is a formulaic representation of real numbers as an approximation so as to support a trade-off between range and precision.
Single precision float with width of 32 bits can support range of ±1.18×10−38 to ±3.4×1038 with precision of approximately 7 decimal digits while double precision 64 bits can support range of ±2.23×10−308 to ±1.80×10308 with precision of approximately 16 decimal digits
Big O Notation
Big O notation is used in Computer Science to describe the performance or complexity of an algorithm. Big O specifically describes the worst-case scenario, and can be used to describe the execution time required or the space used
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An alternative to iteration using for or while loops is recursion. Recursion is a technique by which a function makes one or more calls to itself during execution
A Recursive Implementation of the Factorial Function
def factorial(n):
"""Function to return the factorial
of a number using recursion"""
if n == 0:
return n
return n*factorial(n-1)
The time efficiency is O(n), as there are n + 1 activations, each of which accounts for O(1) operations.
One concern with using recursion over iteration is the limit of recursion depth for the function calls ( typical default value is 1000 ). If this limit is reached, the Python interpreter raises a RuntimeError with a message, maximum recursion depth exceeded. Also in an interpreted language such as Python recursion may run slower than iterative alternatives.
Dynamic Arrays
When creating a low-level array in a computer system, the precise size of that array must be explicitly declared . However Python’s list class allows us to add elements to the list using an abstraction called Dynamic Array.
If an element is appended to a list at a time when the underlying array is full, we perform the following steps:
1.Allocate a new array B with larger capacity(Usually double the size of the existing array). 2.Set B[i] = A[i], for i = 0 to n – 1 3.Set A = B, that is use B as the array 4.Insert the new element in the new array
import ctypes # provides low-level arrays
class DynamicArray(object):
def __init__(self):
self.n = 0 # Count actual elements (Default is 0)
self.capacity = 1 # Default Capacity
self.A = self.make_array(self.capacity)
def __len__(self):
Return number of elements sorted in array
return self.n
def __getitem__(self,k):
Return element at index k
if not 0 <= k <self.n:
return IndexError('K is out of bounds!') # Check it k index is in bounds of array
return self.A[k] #Retrieve from array at index k
def append(self, ele):
Add element to end of the array
if self.n == self.capacity:
self._resize(2*self.capacity) #Double capacity if not enough room
self.A[self.n] = ele #Set self.n index to element
self.n += 1
def _resize(self,new_cap):
Resize internal array to capacity new_cap
B = self.make_array(new_cap) # New bigger array
for k in range(self.n): # Reference all existing values
B[k] = self.A[k]
self.A = B # Call A the new bigger array
self.capacity = new_cap # Reset the capacity
def make_array(self,new_cap):
Returns a new array with new_cap capacity
return (new_cap * ctypes.py_object)()
The amortized running time of each append operation is O(1); hence, the total running time of n append operations is O(n).
A stack is a collection of objects that are inserted and removed according to the last-in, first-out (LIFO) principle.
class Stack:
def __init__(self):
self.stack = []
def isEmpty(self):
return self.stack == []
def push(self, data):
def pop(self):
data = self.stack[-1]
del self.stack[-1]
return data
def top(self):
return self.stack[-1]
def sizeStack(self):
return len(self.stack)
Time complexity is O(1) time for push and pop (amortized bounds)
Queue is a collection of objects that are inserted and removed according to the first-in, first-out (FIFO) principle.
class Queue:
def __init__(self):
self.queue = []
def isEmpty(self):
return self.queue == []
def enqueue(self, data):
def dequeue(self):
data = self.queue[0]
del self.queue[0]
return data
def top(self):
return self.queue[0]
def sizeQueue(self):
return len(self.queue)
Enqueue and Dequeue, which have amortized bounds of O(1) time
Double-Ended Queues
Queue-like data structure that supports insertion and deletion at both the front and the back of the queue is called a double-ended queue, or deque.
class Deque:
def __init__(self):
self.items = []
def isEmpty(self):
return self.items == []
def addFront(self, item):
def addRear(self, item):
def removeFront(self):
return self.items.pop()
def removeRear(self):
return self.items.pop(0)
def size(self):
return len(self.items)
The deque class has O(1)-time operations at either end, but O(n)-time when operating near the middle of the deque.
Singly Linked Lists
A singly linked list, in its simplest form, is a collection of nodes that collectively form a linear sequence. Each node stores a reference to an object that is an element of the sequence, as well as a reference to the next node of the list
class Node(object):
def __init__(self,value):
self.value = value
self.nextnode = None
Doubly Linked Lists
A linked list in which each node keeps a reference to the node before it and a reference to the node after it, is known as a doubly linked list.
class DoublyLinkedListNode(object):
def __init__(self,value):
self.value = value
self.next_node = None
self.prev_node = None
Link-Based vs. Array-Based Sequences
Advantages of Array-Based Sequences
- Arrays provide O(1)-time access to any element. In contrast, locating the kth element in a linked list requires O(k) or possibly O(n – k) time
- Array-based representations typically use proportionally less memory than linked structures as memory must be devoted to references that link the nodes.
Advantages of Link-Based Sequences
- Link-based structures support O(1)-time insertions and deletions at arbitrary positions.
Binary Search Trees
A binary search tree is a binary tree which additionally satisfies the binary search property. The key in each node must be greater than or equal to any key stored in the left sub-tree, and less than or equal to any key stored in the right sub-tree
class Node(object):
def __init__(self, data): = data;
self.leftChild = None;
self.rightChild = None;
class BinarySearchTree(object):
def __init__(self):
self.root = None;
def insert(self, data):
if not self.root:
self.root = Node(data);
self.insertNode(data, self.root);
def insertNode(self, data, node):
if data <
if node.leftChild:
self.insertNode(data, node.leftChild);
node.leftChild = Node(data);
if node.rightChild:
self.insertNode(data, node.rightChild);
node.rightChild = Node(data);
def removeNode(self, data, node):
if not node:
return node;
if data <
node.leftChild = self.removeNode(data, node.leftChild);
elif data >
node.rightChild = self.removeNode(data, node.rightChild);
if not node.leftChild and not node.rightChild:
print("Removing a leaf node...");
del node;
return None;
if not node.leftChild:
print("Removing a node with single right child...");
tempNode = node.rightChild;
del node;
return tempNode;
elif not node.rightChild:
print("Removing a node with single left child...");
tempNode = node.leftChild;
del node;
return tempNode;
print("Removing node with two children....");
tempNode = self.getPredecessor(node.leftChild); =;
node.leftChild = self.removeNode(, node.leftChild);
return node;
def getPredecessor(self, node):
if node.rightChild:
return self.getPredeccor(node.rightChild);
return node;
def remove(self, data):
if self.root:
self.root = self.removeNode(data, self.root);
def getMinValue(self):
if self.root:
return self.getMin(self.root);
def getMin(self, node):
if node.leftChild:
return self.getMin(node.leftChild);
def getMaxValue(self):
if self.root:
return self.getMax(self.root);
def getMax(self, node):
if node.rightChild:
return self.getMax(node.rightChild);
def traverse(self):
if self.root:
def traverseInOrder(self, node):
if node.leftChild:
print("%s " %;
if node.rightChild:
Tree Traversal
There are many ways to traverse this Tree
Depth First Traversals: (a) Inorder (Left, Root, Right) (b) Preorder (Root, Left, Right) (c) Postorder (Left, Right, Root) (d) Breadth First or Level Order Traversal (visit every node on a level before going to a lower level)
An in-order traversal of a binary search tree will always result in a sorted list of node items. Pre-order traversal or a post-order traversal do not make sense for BST
Priority queue
This is a collection of prioritized elements that allows arbitrary element insertion, and allows the removal of the element that has first priority. When an element is added to a priority queue, the user designates its priority by providing an associated key. The element with the minimum key will be the next to be removed from the queue
An Efficient realization of a priority queue can be done using a data structure called a binary heap. This data structure allows us to perform both insertions and removals in logarithmic time. Heap is a tree that satisfies the heap property: if P is a parent node of C, then the key (the value) of P is either greater than or equal to (in a max heap) or less than or equal to (in a min heap) the key of C
class Heap(object):
def __init__(self):
self.heap = [0]*Heap.HEAP_SIZE;
self.currentPosition = -1;
def insert(self, item):
if self.isFull():
print("Heap is full..");
self.currentPosition = self.currentPosition + 1
self.heap[self.currentPosition] = item
def fixUp(self, index):
parentIndex = int((index-1)/2)
while parentIndex >= 0 and self.heap[parentIndex] < self.heap[index]:
temp = self.heap[index]
self.heap[index] = self.heap[parentIndex]
self.heap[parentIndex] = temp;
parentIndex = (int)((index-1)/2)
def heapsort(self):
for i in range(0,self.currentPosition+1):
temp = self.heap[0]
print("%d " % temp)
self.heap[0] = self.heap[self.currentPosition-i]
self.heap[self.currentPosition-i] = temp
def fixDown(self, index, upto):
while index <= upto:
leftChild = 2*index+1
rightChild = 2*index+2
if leftChild < upto:
childToSwap = None
if rightChild > upto:
childToSwap = leftChild
if self.heap[leftChild] > self.heap[rightChild]:
childToSwap = leftChild
childToSwap = rightChild
if self.heap[index] < self.heap[childToSwap]:
temp = self.heap[index]
self.heap[index] = self.heap[childToSwap]
self.heap[childToSwap] = temp
index = childToSwap
def isFull(self):
if self.currentPosition == Heap.HEAP_SIZE:
return True
return False
We can use the heap to sort which is called Heapsort. It is an in-place algorithm with performance of O (n log n)
Hash Tables
Hash table is a data structure that can map keys to values. A hash table uses a hash function to compute an index into an array of buckets or slots, from which the desired value can be found.
Ideally, the hash function will assign each key to a unique bucket, but most hash table designs employ an imperfect hash function, which might cause hash collisions where the hash function generates the same index for more than one key. Chained hash tables with linked lists are popular to resolve collisions.
Load Factor = $= \frac { n } { k }$ where n is the number of entries occupied in the hash table and k is the number of buckets.
Hash table has a performance of $\Theta \left( 1 + \frac { n } { k } \right)$. As the load factor grows larger, the hash table becomes slower. Hence we may have to resize the hash table.
class HashTable(object):
def __init__(self,size):
# Set up size and slots and data
self.size = size
self.slots = [None] * self.size = [None] * self.size
def put(self,key,data):
#Note, we'll only use integer keys for ease of use with the Hash Function
# Get the hash value
hashvalue = self.hashfunction(key,len(self.slots))
# If Slot is Empty
if self.slots[hashvalue] == None:
self.slots[hashvalue] = key[hashvalue] = data
# If key already exists, replace old value
if self.slots[hashvalue] == key:[hashvalue] = data
# Otherwise, find the next available slot
nextslot = self.rehash(hashvalue,len(self.slots))
# Get to the next slot
while self.slots[nextslot] != None and self.slots[nextslot] != key:
nextslot = self.rehash(nextslot,len(self.slots))
# Set new key, if NONE
if self.slots[nextslot] == None:
# Otherwise replace old value
else:[nextslot] = data
def hashfunction(self,key,size):
# Remainder Method
return key%size
def rehash(self,oldhash,size):
# For finding next possible positions
return (oldhash+1)%size
def get(self,key):
# Getting items given a key
# Set up variables for our search
startslot = self.hashfunction(key,len(self.slots))
data = None
stop = False
found = False
position = startslot
# Until we discern that its not empty or found (and haven't stopped yet)
while self.slots[position] != None and not found and not stop:
if self.slots[position] == key:
found = True
data =[position]
if position == startslot:
stop = True
return data
# Special Methods for use with Python indexing
def __getitem__(self,key):
return self.get(key)
def __setitem__(self,key,data):
Balanced Search Trees
A standard binary search tree supports O(logn) expected running times for the basic operations. However, we may only claim O(n) worst-case time, because some sequences of operations may lead to an unbalanced tree with height proportional to n. A self-balancing binary search tree is one that automatically keeps its height (maximal number of levels below the root) small in the face of arbitrary item insertions and deletions.
A commonly used implementation of this is Red Black tree
from .binary_search_tree import TreeMap
class RedBlackTreeMap(TreeMap):
"""Sorted map implementation using a red-black tree."""
#-------------------------- nested _Node class --------------------------
class _Node(TreeMap._Node):
"""Node class for red-black tree maintains bit that denotes color."""
__slots__ = '_red' # add additional data member to the Node class
def __init__(self, element, parent=None, left=None, right=None):
super().__init__(element, parent, left, right)
self._red = True # new node red by default
#------------------------- positional-based utility methods -------------------------
# we consider a nonexistent child to be trivially black
def _set_red(self, p): p._node._red = True
def _set_black(self, p): p._node._red = False
def _set_color(self, p, make_red): p._node._red = make_red
def _is_red(self, p): return p is not None and p._node._red
def _is_red_leaf(self, p): return self._is_red(p) and self.is_leaf(p)
def _get_red_child(self, p):
"""Return a red child of p (or None if no such child)."""
for child in (self.left(p), self.right(p)):
if self._is_red(child):
return child
return None
#------------------------- support for insertions -------------------------
def _rebalance_insert(self, p):
self._resolve_red(p) # new node is always red
def _resolve_red(self, p):
if self.is_root(p):
self._set_black(p) # make root black
parent = self.parent(p)
if self._is_red(parent): # double red problem
uncle = self.sibling(parent)
if not self._is_red(uncle): # Case 1: misshapen 4-node
middle = self._restructure(p) # do trinode restructuring
self._set_black(middle) # and then fix colors
else: # Case 2: overfull 5-node
grand = self.parent(parent)
self._set_red(grand) # grandparent becomes red
self._set_black(self.left(grand)) # its children become black
self._resolve_red(grand) # recur at red grandparent
#------------------------- support for deletions -------------------------
def _rebalance_delete(self, p):
if len(self) == 1:
self._set_black(self.root()) # special case: ensure that root is black
elif p is not None:
n = self.num_children(p)
if n == 1: # deficit exists unless child is a red leaf
c = next(self.children(p))
if not self._is_red_leaf(c):
self._fix_deficit(p, c)
elif n == 2: # removed black node with red child
if self._is_red_leaf(self.left(p)):
def _fix_deficit(self, z, y):
"""Resolve black deficit at z, where y is the root of z's heavier subtree."""
if not self._is_red(y): # y is black; will apply Case 1 or 2
x = self._get_red_child(y)
if x is not None: # Case 1: y is black and has red child x; do "transfer"
old_color = self._is_red(z)
middle = self._restructure(x)
self._set_color(middle, old_color) # middle gets old color of z
self._set_black(self.left(middle)) # children become black
else: # Case 2: y is black, but no red children; recolor as "fusion"
if self._is_red(z):
self._set_black(z) # this resolves the problem
elif not self.is_root(z):
self._fix_deficit(self.parent(z), self.sibling(z)) # recur upward
else: # Case 3: y is red; rotate misaligned 3-node and repeat
if z == self.right(y):
self._fix_deficit(z, self.left(z))
self._fix_deficit(z, self.right(z))
Source: Goodrich and Tamassia book