Chat bot Using seq2seq model with Attention

11 minute read

Chatbot using seq2seq with attention

Attention has been a fairly popular concept and a useful tool in the deep learning community in recent years. Attention is, motivated by how humans pay visual attention to different regions of an image or correlate words in one sentence. Human visual attention allows us to focus on a certain region with “high resolution” while perceiving the surrounding image in “low resolution” .

Similarly, we can explain the relationship between words in one sentence or close context. When we see “eating”, we expect to encounter a food word very soon. The color term describes the food, but probably not so much with “eating” directly.

Sentence Attention

Attention in the deep learning can be interpreted as a vector of importance weights: in order to predict or infer one element, such as a pixel in an image or a word in a sentence, we estimate using the attention vector how strongly it is correlated with other elements and take the sum of their values weighted by the attention vector as the approximation of the target.

Seq2seq Model

The seq2seq model was born in the field of language modeling (Sutskever, et al. 2014).It aims to transform an input sequence (source) to a new one (target) and both sequences can be of arbitrary lengths. The seq2seq model normally has an encoder-decoder architecture, composed of:

  • Encoder which processes the input sequence and compresses the information into a context vector (also known as sentence embedding or “thought” vector) of a fixed length. This representation is expected to be a good summary of the meaning of the whole source sequence.
  • A decoder is initialized with the context vector to emit the transformed output. The early work only used the last state of the encoder network as the decoder initial state.

A critical and apparent disadvantage of this fixed-length context vector design is incapability of remembering long sentences. Often it has forgotten the first part once it completes processing the whole input.


The attention mechanism was born (Bahdanau et al., 2015) to resolve the long memory issue of Seq2seq models. Rather than building a single context vector out of the encoder’s last hidden state, the secret sauce invented by attention is to create shortcuts between the context vector and the entire source input. The weights of these shortcut connections are customizable for each output element.Essentially the context vector consumes three pieces of information:

  • Encoder hidden states
  • Decoder hidden states
  • Alignment between source and target

Seq2seq with Attention

Context vector $\mathbf { c } _ { t }$ is a sum of hidden states of the input sequence, weighted by alignment scores:

In Bahdanau’s paper, the alignment score α is parametrized by a feed-forward network with a single hidden layer and this network is jointly trained with other parts of the model. The score function is therefore in the following form, given that tanh is used as the non-linear activation function:

The matrix of alignment scores is a nice byproduct to explicitly show the correlation between source and target words.

Alignment Matrix


Even though Seq2seq with Attention was initially used for machine translation we can use it to build a chatbot. We can use a Dialogue dataset to train and then input our conversations and get responses. We are using 3 data sets to train BNC Corpus which subset of the British National Corpus that is transcribed unscripted spoken dialogue, Twitter dialogue dataset which was created from parsing tweets and a movie corpus dataset from Cornell.

Validation accuracy

Sample Output 1

Sample Output 2


  1. Kingma, Diederik P. and Ba, Jimmy.Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization.arXiv:1412.6980 [cs.LG], December 2014
  2. Sutskever, Ilya, Vinyals, Oriol, and Le, Quoc VV. Sequence tosequence learning with neural networks. InNIPS, pp. 3104–3112, 2014
  3. Hochreiter, S. and Schmidhuber, J. Long short-term memory.Neural Computation, 9(8):1735–1780, 1997
  4. Bahdanau, Dzmitry, Cho, Kyunghyun, and Bengio, Yoshua. Neural machine translation by jointly learning to align and trans-late.arXiv:1409.0473 [cs.CL], September 2014
  5. Luong, M.-T., Pham, H., and Manning, C. D.Effective approaches to attention-based neuralmachine translation. InConference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing(2015)

from __future__ import print_function, division
from builtins import range, input

# each output line should be:
with open('../large_files/twitter_tab_format.txt', 'w') as f:
  prev_line = None
  # data source:
  for line in open('../large_files/TwitterLowerAsciiCorpus.txt'):
    line = line.rstrip()

    if prev_line and line:
      f.write("%s\t%s\n" % (prev_line, line))

    # note:
    # between conversations there are empty lines
    # which evaluate to false

    prev_line = line

    from __future__ import print_function, division
    from builtins import range, input

    import os, sys

    from keras.models import Model
    from keras.layers import Input, LSTM, GRU, Dense, Embedding, \
      Bidirectional, RepeatVector, Concatenate, Activation, Dot, Lambda
    from keras.preprocessing.text import Tokenizer
    from keras.preprocessing.sequence import pad_sequences
    import keras.backend as K

    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    if len(K.tensorflow_backend._get_available_gpus()) > 0:
      from keras.layers import CuDNNLSTM as LSTM
      from keras.layers import CuDNNGRU as GRU

    # make sure we do softmax over the time axis
    # expected shape is N x T x D
    # note: the latest version of Keras allows you to pass in axis arg
    def softmax_over_time(x):
      assert(K.ndim(x) > 2)
      e = K.exp(x - K.max(x, axis=1, keepdims=True))
      s = K.sum(e, axis=1, keepdims=True)
      return e / s

    # config
    BATCH_SIZE = 64
    EPOCHS = 100
    LATENT_DIM = 256
    LATENT_DIM_DECODER = 256 # idea: make it different to ensure things all fit together properly!
    NUM_SAMPLES = 10000
    MAX_NUM_WORDS = 20000

    # Where we will store the data
    input_texts = [] # sentence in original language
    target_texts = [] # sentence in target language
    target_texts_inputs = [] # sentence in target language offset by 1

    # load in the data
    # download the data at:
    t = 0
    for line in open(''):
      # only keep a limited number of samples
      t += 1
      if t > NUM_SAMPLES:

      # input and target are separated by tab
      if '\t' not in line:

      # split up the input and translation
      input_text, translation = line.rstrip().split('\t')

      # make the target input and output
      # recall we'll be using teacher forcing
      target_text = translation + ' <eos>'
      target_text_input = '<sos> ' + translation

    print("num samples:", len(input_texts))

    # tokenize the inputs
    tokenizer_inputs = Tokenizer(num_words=MAX_NUM_WORDS)
    input_sequences = tokenizer_inputs.texts_to_sequences(input_texts)

    # get the word to index mapping for input language
    word2idx_inputs = tokenizer_inputs.word_index
    print('Found %s unique input tokens.' % len(word2idx_inputs))

    # determine maximum length input sequence
    max_len_input = max(len(s) for s in input_sequences)

    # tokenize the outputs
    # don't filter out special characters
    # otherwise <sos> and <eos> won't appear
    tokenizer_outputs = Tokenizer(num_words=MAX_NUM_WORDS, filters='')
    tokenizer_outputs.fit_on_texts(target_texts + target_texts_inputs) # inefficient, oh well
    target_sequences = tokenizer_outputs.texts_to_sequences(target_texts)
    target_sequences_inputs = tokenizer_outputs.texts_to_sequences(target_texts_inputs)

    # get the word to index mapping for output language
    word2idx_outputs = tokenizer_outputs.word_index
    print('Found %s unique output tokens.' % len(word2idx_outputs))

    # store number of output words for later
    # remember to add 1 since indexing starts at 1
    num_words_output = len(word2idx_outputs) + 1

    # determine maximum length output sequence
    max_len_target = max(len(s) for s in target_sequences)

    # pad the sequences
    encoder_inputs = pad_sequences(input_sequences, maxlen=max_len_input)
    print("encoder_data.shape:", encoder_inputs.shape)
    print("encoder_data[0]:", encoder_inputs[0])

    decoder_inputs = pad_sequences(target_sequences_inputs, maxlen=max_len_target, padding='post')
    print("decoder_data[0]:", decoder_inputs[0])
    print("decoder_data.shape:", decoder_inputs.shape)

    decoder_targets = pad_sequences(target_sequences, maxlen=max_len_target, padding='post')

    # store all the pre-trained word vectors
    print('Loading word vectors...')
    word2vec = {}
    with open(os.path.join('../large_files/glove.6B/glove.6B.%sd.txt' % EMBEDDING_DIM)) as f:
      # is just a space-separated text file in the format:
      # word vec[0] vec[1] vec[2] ...
      for line in f:
        values = line.split()
        word = values[0]
        vec = np.asarray(values[1:], dtype='float32')
        word2vec[word] = vec
    print('Found %s word vectors.' % len(word2vec))

    # prepare embedding matrix
    print('Filling pre-trained embeddings...')
    num_words = min(MAX_NUM_WORDS, len(word2idx_inputs) + 1)
    embedding_matrix = np.zeros((num_words, EMBEDDING_DIM))
    for word, i in word2idx_inputs.items():
      if i < MAX_NUM_WORDS:
        embedding_vector = word2vec.get(word)
        if embedding_vector is not None:
          # words not found in embedding index will be all zeros.
          embedding_matrix[i] = embedding_vector

    # create embedding layer
    embedding_layer = Embedding(
      # trainable=True

    # create targets, since we cannot use sparse
    # categorical cross entropy when we have sequences
    decoder_targets_one_hot = np.zeros(

    # assign the values
    for i, d in enumerate(decoder_targets):
      for t, word in enumerate(d):
        decoder_targets_one_hot[i, t, word] = 1

    ##### build the model #####

    # Set up the encoder - simple!
    encoder_inputs_placeholder = Input(shape=(max_len_input,))
    x = embedding_layer(encoder_inputs_placeholder)
    encoder = Bidirectional(LSTM(
      # dropout=0.5 # dropout not available on gpu
    encoder_outputs = encoder(x)

    # Set up the decoder - not so simple
    decoder_inputs_placeholder = Input(shape=(max_len_target,))

    # this word embedding will not use pre-trained vectors
    # although you could
    decoder_embedding = Embedding(num_words_output, EMBEDDING_DIM)
    decoder_inputs_x = decoder_embedding(decoder_inputs_placeholder)

    ######### Attention #########
    # Attention layers need to be global because
    # they will be repeated Ty times at the decoder
    attn_repeat_layer = RepeatVector(max_len_input)
    attn_concat_layer = Concatenate(axis=-1)
    attn_dense1 = Dense(10, activation='tanh')
    attn_dense2 = Dense(1, activation=softmax_over_time)
    attn_dot = Dot(axes=1) # to perform the weighted sum of alpha[t] * h[t]

    def one_step_attention(h, st_1):
      # h = h(1), ..., h(Tx), shape = (Tx, LATENT_DIM * 2)
      # st_1 = s(t-1), shape = (LATENT_DIM_DECODER,)

      # copy s(t-1) Tx times
      # now shape = (Tx, LATENT_DIM_DECODER)
      st_1 = attn_repeat_layer(st_1)

      # Concatenate all h(t)'s with s(t-1)
      # Now of shape (Tx, LATENT_DIM_DECODER + LATENT_DIM * 2)
      x = attn_concat_layer([h, st_1])

      # Neural net first layer
      x = attn_dense1(x)

      # Neural net second layer with special softmax over time
      alphas = attn_dense2(x)

      # "Dot" the alphas and the h's
      # Remember = sum over a[t] * b[t]
      context = attn_dot([alphas, h])

      return context

    # define the rest of the decoder (after attention)
    decoder_lstm = LSTM(LATENT_DIM_DECODER, return_state=True)
    decoder_dense = Dense(num_words_output, activation='softmax')

    initial_s = Input(shape=(LATENT_DIM_DECODER,), name='s0')
    initial_c = Input(shape=(LATENT_DIM_DECODER,), name='c0')
    context_last_word_concat_layer = Concatenate(axis=2)

    # Unlike previous seq2seq, we cannot get the output
    # all in one step
    # Instead we need to do Ty steps
    # And in each of those steps, we need to consider
    # all Tx h's

    # s, c will be re-assigned in each iteration of the loop
    s = initial_s
    c = initial_c

    # collect outputs in a list at first
    outputs = []
    for t in range(max_len_target): # Ty times
      # get the context using attention
      context = one_step_attention(encoder_outputs, s)

      # we need a different layer for each time step
      selector = Lambda(lambda x: x[:, t:t+1])
      xt = selector(decoder_inputs_x)

      # combine
      decoder_lstm_input = context_last_word_concat_layer([context, xt])

      # pass the combined [context, last word] into the LSTM
      # along with [s, c]
      # get the new [s, c] and output
      o, s, c = decoder_lstm(decoder_lstm_input, initial_state=[s, c])

      # final dense layer to get next word prediction
      decoder_outputs = decoder_dense(o)

    # 'outputs' is now a list of length Ty
    # each element is of shape (batch size, output vocab size)
    # therefore if we simply stack all the outputs into 1 tensor
    # it would be of shape T x N x D
    # we would like it to be of shape N x T x D

    def stack_and_transpose(x):
      # x is a list of length T, each element is a batch_size x output_vocab_size tensor
      x = K.stack(x) # is now T x batch_size x output_vocab_size tensor
      x = K.permute_dimensions(x, pattern=(1, 0, 2)) # is now batch_size x T x output_vocab_size
      return x

    # make it a layer
    stacker = Lambda(stack_and_transpose)
    outputs = stacker(outputs)

    # create the model
    model = Model(

    # compile the model
    model.compile(optimizer='rmsprop', loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'])

    # train the model
    z = np.zeros((NUM_SAMPLES, LATENT_DIM_DECODER)) # initial [s, c]
    r =
      [encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, z, z], decoder_targets_one_hot,

    # plot some data
    plt.plot(r.history['loss'], label='loss')
    plt.plot(r.history['val_loss'], label='val_loss')

    # accuracies
    plt.plot(r.history['acc'], label='acc')
    plt.plot(r.history['val_acc'], label='val_acc')

    ##### Make predictions #####
    # As with the poetry example, we need to create another model
    # that can take in the RNN state and previous word as input
    # and accept a T=1 sequence.

    # The encoder will be stand-alone
    # From this we will get our initial decoder hidden state
    # i.e. h(1), ..., h(Tx)
    encoder_model = Model(encoder_inputs_placeholder, encoder_outputs)

    # next we define a T=1 decoder model
    encoder_outputs_as_input = Input(shape=(max_len_input, LATENT_DIM * 2,))
    decoder_inputs_single = Input(shape=(1,))
    decoder_inputs_single_x = decoder_embedding(decoder_inputs_single)

    # no need to loop over attention steps this time because there is only one step
    context = one_step_attention(encoder_outputs_as_input, initial_s)

    # combine context with last word
    decoder_lstm_input = context_last_word_concat_layer([context, decoder_inputs_single_x])

    # lstm and final dense
    o, s, c = decoder_lstm(decoder_lstm_input, initial_state=[initial_s, initial_c])
    decoder_outputs = decoder_dense(o)

    # note: we don't really need the final stack and tranpose
    # because there's only 1 output
    # it is already of size N x D
    # no need to make it 1 x N x D --> N x 1 x D

    # create the model object
    decoder_model = Model(
      outputs=[decoder_outputs, s, c]

    # map indexes back into real words
    # so we can view the results
    idx2word_eng = {v:k for k, v in word2idx_inputs.items()}
    idx2word_trans = {v:k for k, v in word2idx_outputs.items()}

    def decode_sequence(input_seq):
      # Encode the input as state vectors.
      enc_out = encoder_model.predict(input_seq)

      # Generate empty target sequence of length 1.
      target_seq = np.zeros((1, 1))

      # Populate the first character of target sequence with the start character.
      # NOTE: tokenizer lower-cases all words
      target_seq[0, 0] = word2idx_outputs['<sos>']

      # if we get this we break
      eos = word2idx_outputs['<eos>']

      # [s, c] will be updated in each loop iteration
      s = np.zeros((1, LATENT_DIM_DECODER))
      c = np.zeros((1, LATENT_DIM_DECODER))

      # Create the translation
      output_sentence = []
      for _ in range(max_len_target):
        o, s, c = decoder_model.predict([target_seq, enc_out, s, c])

        # Get next word
        idx = np.argmax(o.flatten())

        # End sentence of EOS
        if eos == idx:

        word = ''
        if idx > 0:
          word = idx2word_trans[idx]

        # Update the decoder input
        # which is just the word just generated
        target_seq[0, 0] = idx

      return ' '.join(output_sentence)

    while True:
      # Do some test translations
      i = np.random.choice(len(input_texts))
      input_seq = encoder_inputs[i:i+1]
      translation = decode_sequence(input_seq)
      print('Input sentence:', input_texts[i])
      print('Predicted translation:', translation)
      print('Actual translation:', target_texts[i])

      ans = input("Continue? [Y/n]")
      if ans and ans.lower().startswith('n'):
