Naive Bayes Classifier

5 minute read

#Naive Bayes Simple(“naive”) classifica1on method based on Bayes rule. It relies on very simple representa1on of document called the bag of words.

If assumes conditional independence (Hence Naive) and assumes that position does not matter ( Bag of words)

For a document d and class c

This is the MAP estimate of the class.

Then using Bayes Rule

We can drop the denominator as it does not affect the maxima.

As the document D is represented as features x1 to xn (Bag of words)

For Multinomial case

For MLE estimates we can simply use the frequencies

This has an issues with unseen data as they would have zero probabilities. To resolve this we can use smoothing methods for Naive Bayes by adding one extra word to the vocabulary $W _ { u }$

The Laplace(add-­1) smoothing for Naive Bayes is as follows:

Let us now loot at an example of Multinomial Naive Bayes Classifier for the 20 Newsgroups dataset ( We use smoothing , stop words removal and use Inverse document frequency (IDF) instead of raw frequencies.

IDF = $t _ { i } = \log \left( \frac { \sum _ { n = 1 } ^ { N } \operatorname { doc } _ { n } } { \operatorname { doc } _ { i } } \right)$

Error %
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import operator

#Training label
train_label = open('20news-bydate/matlab/train.label')

#pi is the fraction of each class
pi = {}

#Set a class index for each document as key
for i in range(1,21):
    pi[i] = 0

#Extract values from training labels
lines = train_label.readlines()

#Get total number of documents
total = len(lines)

#Count the occurence of each class
for line in lines:
    val = int(line.split()[0])
    pi[val] += 1

#Divide the count of each class by total documents
for key in pi:
    pi[key] /= total

print("Probability of each class:")
print("\n".join("{}: {}".format(k, v) for k, v in pi.items()))

#Training data
train_data = open('20news-bydate/matlab/')
df = pd.read_csv(train_data, delimiter=' ', names=['docIdx', 'wordIdx', 'count'])

#Training label
label = []
train_label = open('/home/sadat/Downloads/HW2_210/20news-bydate/matlab/train.label')
lines = train_label.readlines()
for line in lines:

#Increase label length to match docIdx
docIdx = df['docIdx'].values
i = 0
new_label = []
for index in range(len(docIdx)-1):
    if docIdx[index] != docIdx[index+1]:
        i += 1
new_label.append(label[i]) #for-loop ignores last value

#Add label column
df['classIdx'] = new_label


#Alpha value for smoothing
a = 0.001

#Calculate probability of each word based on class
pb_ij = df.groupby(['classIdx','wordIdx'])
pb_j = df.groupby(['classIdx'])
Pr =  (pb_ij['count'].sum() + a) / (pb_j['count'].sum() + 16689)    

#Unstack series
Pr = Pr.unstack()

#Replace NaN or columns with 0 as word count with a/(count+|V|+1)
for c in range(1,21):
    Pr.loc[c,:] = Pr.loc[c,:].fillna(a/(pb_j['count'].sum()[c] + 16689))

#Convert to dictionary for greater speed
Pr_dict = Pr.to_dict()

#Common stop words from online
stop_words = [
"a", "about", "above", "across", "after", "afterwards",
"again", "all", "almost", "alone", "along", "already", "also",    
"although", "always", "am", "among", "amongst", "amoungst", "amount", "an", "and", "another", "any", "anyhow", "anyone", "anything", "anyway", "anywhere", "are", "as", "at", "be", "became", "because", "become","becomes", "becoming", "been", "before", "behind", "being", "beside", "besides", "between", "beyond", "both", "but", "by","can", "cannot", "cant", "could", "couldnt", "de", "describe", "do", "done", "each", "eg", "either", "else", "enough", "etc", "even", "ever", "every", "everyone", "everything", "everywhere", "except", "few", "find","for","found", "four", "from", "further", "get", "give", "go", "had", "has", "hasnt", "have", "he", "hence", "her", "here", "hereafter", "hereby", "herein", "hereupon", "hers", "herself", "him", "himself", "his", "how", "however", "i", "ie", "if", "in", "indeed", "is", "it", "its", "itself", "keep", "least", "less", "ltd", "made", "many", "may", "me", "meanwhile", "might", "mine", "more", "moreover", "most", "mostly", "much", "must", "my", "myself", "name", "namely", "neither", "never", "nevertheless", "next","no", "nobody", "none", "noone", "nor", "not", "nothing", "now", "nowhere", "of", "off", "often", "on", "once", "one", "only", "onto", "or", "other", "others", "otherwise", "our", "ours", "ourselves", "out", "over", "own", "part","perhaps", "please", "put", "rather", "re", "same", "see", "seem", "seemed", "seeming", "seems", "she", "should","since", "sincere","so", "some", "somehow", "someone", "something", "sometime", "sometimes", "somewhere", "still", "such", "take","than", "that", "the", "their", "them", "themselves", "then", "thence", "there", "thereafter", "thereby", "therefore", "therein", "thereupon", "these", "they",
"this", "those", "though", "through", "throughout",
"thru", "thus", "to", "together", "too", "toward", "towards",
"under", "until", "up", "upon", "us",
"very", "was", "we", "well", "were", "what", "whatever", "when",
"whence", "whenever", "where", "whereafter", "whereas", "whereby",
"wherein", "whereupon", "wherever", "whether", "which", "while",
"who", "whoever", "whom", "whose", "why", "will", "with",
"within", "without", "would", "yet", "you", "your", "yours", "yourself", "yourselves"

vocab = open('vocabulary.txt')
vocab_df = pd.read_csv(vocab, names = ['word'])
vocab_df = vocab_df.reset_index()
vocab_df['index'] = vocab_df['index'].apply(lambda x: x+1)
#Index of all words
tot_list = set(vocab_df['index'])

#Index of good words
vocab_df = vocab_df[~vocab_df['word'].isin(stop_words)]
good_list = vocab_df['index'].tolist()
good_list = set(good_list)

#Index of stop words
bad_list = tot_list - good_list

#Set all stop words to 0
for bad in bad_list:
    for j in range(1,21):
        Pr_dict[j][bad] = a/(pb_j['count'].sum()[j] + 16689)

        #Calculate IDF
        tot = len(df['docIdx'].unique())
        pb_ij = df.groupby(['wordIdx'])
        IDF = np.log(tot/pb_ij['docIdx'].count())
        IDF_dict = IDF.to_dict()
        def MNB(df, smooth = False, IDF = False):
            Multinomial Naive Bayes classifier
            :param df [Pandas Dataframe]: Dataframe of data
            :param smooth [bool]: Apply Smoothing if True
            :param IDF [bool]: Apply Inverse Document Frequency if True
            :return predict [list]: Predicted class ID
            #Using dictionaries for greater speed
            df_dict = df.to_dict()
            new_dict = {}
            prediction = []

            #new_dict = {docIdx : {wordIdx: count},....}
            for idx in range(len(df_dict['docIdx'])):
                docIdx = df_dict['docIdx'][idx]
                wordIdx = df_dict['wordIdx'][idx]
                count = df_dict['count'][idx]
                    new_dict[docIdx][wordIdx] = count
                    new_dict[df_dict['docIdx'][idx]] = {}
                    new_dict[docIdx][wordIdx] = count

            #Calculating the scores for each doc
            for docIdx in range(1, len(new_dict)+1):
                score_dict = {}
                #Creating a probability row for each class
                for classIdx in range(1,21):
                    score_dict[classIdx] = 1
                    #For each word:
                    for wordIdx in new_dict[docIdx]:
                        #Check for frequency smoothing
                        if smooth:
                                power = np.log(1+ new_dict[docIdx][wordIdx])     
                                #Check for IDF
                                if IDF:
                                #Missing V will have log(1+0)*log(a/16689)=0
                                score_dict[classIdx] += 0                        
                                probability = Pr_dict[wordIdx][classIdx]        
                                power = new_dict[docIdx][wordIdx]               
                                #Check for IDF
                                if IDF:
                                    score_dict[classIdx]+= power*np.log(
                                #Missing V will have 0*log(a/16689) = 0
                                score_dict[classIdx] += 0      
                    #Multiply final with pi         
                    score_dict[classIdx] +=  np.log(pi[classIdx])                          

                #Get class with max probabilty for the given docIdx
                max_score = max(score_dict, key=score_dict.get)

            return prediction

            regular_predict = MNB(df, smooth=False, IDF=False)
            smooth_predict  = MNB(df, smooth=True, IDF=False)
            tfidf_predict   = MNB(df, smooth=False, IDF=True)
            all_predict     = MNB(df, smooth=True, IDF=True)
            #Get list of labels
            train_label = pd.read_csv('20news-bydate/matlab/train.label',
            train_label= train_label['t'].tolist()
            total = len(train_label)
            models = [regular_predict, smooth_predict,
                      tfidf_predict, all_predict]
            strings = ['Regular', 'Smooth', 'IDF', 'Both']

            for m,s in zip(models,strings):
                val = 0
                for i,j in zip(m, train_label):
                    if i != j:
                        val +=1
                print(s,"Error:\t\t",val/total * 100, "%")

                #Get test data
                test_data = open('20news-bydate/matlab/')
                df = pd.read_csv(test_data, delimiter=' ', names=['docIdx', 'wordIdx', 'count'])

                #Get list of labels
                test_label = pd.read_csv('/home/sadat/Downloads/HW2_210/20news-bydate/matlab/test.label', names=['t'])
                test_label= test_label['t'].tolist()

                #MNB Calculation
                predict = MNB(df, smooth = True, IDF = False)

                total = len(test_label)
                val = 0
                for i,j in zip(predict, test_label):
                    if i == j:
                        val +=1
                print("Error:\t",(1-(val/total)) * 100, "%")
