Memory Networks for Question answering

9 minute read

Dynamic Memory Networks

Dynamic Memory Networks (DMNs) have shown recent success in question answering. They have achieved state-of-the-art results of the Facebook bAbI dataset. Here we implement our own DMN in tensorflow and verify its performance quantitatively and qualitatively. We can show that DMNs can successfully complete multiplebabi tasks with the same model including one step reasoning, two step reasoning.

Question Answering (QA) is one of the oldest tasks in NLP. Most problems in NLP can be formulated as a question answering task. The current state-of-the-art system is Dynamic Memory Networks presented by Xiong et al. This system contains 4 modules: input, episodic memory, question, and answer. Each module consists of an RNN optimized for the corresponding sub-task.

The Facebook bAbI-10k dataset has been used as a benchmark in many question answering papers.It consists of 20 tasks. Each task has a different type of question such as single supporting factquestions, two supporting fact questions, yes no questions, counting questions, etc.We used the English version of the dataset with 10,000 training examples and 1000 test examples.All examples consist of an input-question-answer tuple. The input is a variable length passage oftext. The type of question and answer depends on the task.

Two supporting fact example

1 Mary got the milk there.
2 John moved to the bedroom
3 Sandra went back to the kitchen.
4 Mary travelled to the hallway.
5 Where is the milk?
Answer : Hallway

Input Module

The input module takes in the word vectors for the input and feeds then through a GRU and outputs the hidden states at the end of each sentence for the episodic memory module to reason over.

Question Module

The question module also runs a GRU over the word vectors, however it just outputs the final stateof the GRU to encode the question.

Episodic Memory Module

The episodic memory module reasons over the sentence states from the input module as well as the question state from the question module and ultimately produces a final memory state that is sent to the answer module to generate an answer. Each episode reasons over the sentences and produces a final state for that pass over the data.

Memory Update Mechanism

The memory is then updated using the current episode state and the previous memory state.

Answer Module

The answer module is simple linear layer with a softmax activation to produce a probability distribution over the answer tokens. This could be extended to an RNN for multiword answers, however we kept it as a simple softmax since the bAbI dataset only has one word answers

Dynamic Memory Network

Validation accuracy

Single Fact story

Multiple Facts Story


[1] Kumar, Ankit et al. (2016) Ask Me Anything: Dynamic Memory Networks for Natural Language Process-ing.ArXiv e-prints[ [2] Hermann, Karl Moritz et al. Teaching Machines to Read and Comprehend.ArXiv e-prints[5] Strzalkowski, Tomek & Sanda Harabagiu. [3] Xiong, Caiming et al. (2016) Dynamic Memory Networks for Visual and Textual Question Answering.ArXiv e-prints [4] Westson, Jason et al. (2015) Memory Networks.ICLR 2015

from __future__ import print_function, division
from builtins import range, input

import numpy as np
import keras.backend as K
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import re
import tarfile

from keras.models import Model
from keras.layers import Dense, Embedding, Input, Lambda, Reshape, add, dot, Activation
from keras.preprocessing.sequence import pad_sequences
from keras.optimizers import Adam, RMSprop
from keras.utils.data_utils import get_file

# get the data and open the compressed file using the tarfile library
path = get_file(
tar =

# relevant data in the tar file
# there's lots more data in there, check it out if you want!
challenges = {
# QA1 with 10,000 samples
'single_supporting_fact_10k': 'tasks_1-20_v1-2/en-10k/qa1_single-supporting-fact_{}.txt',
# QA2 with 10,000 samples
'two_supporting_facts_10k': 'tasks_1-20_v1-2/en-10k/qa2_two-supporting-facts_{}.txt',

def tokenize(sent):
'''Return the tokens of a sentence including punctuation.
>>> tokenize('Bob dropped the apple. Where is the apple?')
['Bob', 'dropped', 'the', 'apple', '.', 'Where', 'is', 'the', 'apple', '?']
return [x.strip() for x in re.split('(\W+)?', sent) if x.strip()]

def get_stories(f):
# data will return a list of triples
# each triple contains:
#   1. a story
#   2. a question about the story
#   3. the answer to the question
data = []

# use this list to keep track of the story so far
story = []

# print a random story, helpful to see the data
printed = False
for line in f:
  line = line.decode('utf-8').strip()

  # split the line number from the rest of the line
  nid, line = line.split(' ', 1)

  # see if we should begin a new story
  if int(nid) == 1:
    story = []

  # this line contains a question and answer if it has a tab
  #       question<TAB>answer
  # it also tells us which line in the story is relevant to the answer
  # Note: we actually ignore this fact, since the model will learn
  #       which lines are important
  # Note: the max line number is not the number of lines of the story
  #       since lines with questions do not contain any story
  # one story may contain MULTIPLE questions
  if '\t' in line:
    q, a, supporting = line.split('\t')
    q = tokenize(q)

    # numbering each line is very useful
    # it's the equivalent of adding a unique token to the front
    # of each sentence
    story_so_far = [[str(i)] + s for i, s in enumerate(story) if s]

    # uncomment if you want to see what a story looks like
    # if not printed and np.random.rand() < 0.5:
    #     print("story_so_far:", story_so_far)
    #     printed = True
    data.append((story_so_far, q, a))
    # just add the line to the current story
return data

# recursively flatten a list
def should_flatten(el):
return not isinstance(el, (str, bytes))

def flatten(l):
for el in l:
  if should_flatten(el):
    yield from flatten(el)
    yield el

# convert stories from words into lists of word indexes (integers)
# pad each sequence so that they are the same length
# we will need to re-pad the stories later so that each story
# is the same length
def vectorize_stories(data, word2idx, story_maxlen, query_maxlen):
inputs, queries, answers = [], [], []
for story, query, answer in data:
  inputs.append([[word2idx[w] for w in s] for s in story])
  queries.append([word2idx[w] for w in query])
return (
  [pad_sequences(x, maxlen=story_maxlen) for x in inputs],
  pad_sequences(queries, maxlen=query_maxlen),

# this is like 'pad_sequences' but for entire stories
# we are padding each story with zeros so every story
# has the same number of sentences
# append an array of zeros of size:
# (max_sentences - num sentences in story, max words in sentence)
def stack_inputs(inputs, story_maxsents, story_maxlen):
for i, story in enumerate(inputs):
  inputs[i] = np.concatenate(
      np.zeros((story_maxsents - story.shape[0], story_maxlen), 'int')
return np.stack(inputs)

# make a function to get the data since
# we want to load both the single supporting fact data
# and the two supporting fact data later
def get_data(challenge_type):
# input should either be 'single_supporting_fact_10k' or 'two_supporting_facts_10k'
challenge = challenges[challenge_type]

# returns a list of triples of:
# (story, question, answer)
# story is a list of sentences
# question is a sentence
# answer is a word
train_stories = get_stories(tar.extractfile(challenge.format('train')))
test_stories = get_stories(tar.extractfile(challenge.format('test')))

# group all the stories together
stories = train_stories + test_stories

# so we can get the max length of each story, of each sentence, and of each question
story_maxlen = max((len(s) for x, _, _ in stories for s in x))
story_maxsents = max((len(x) for x, _, _ in stories))
query_maxlen = max(len(x) for _, x, _ in stories)

# Create vocabulary of corpus and find size, including a padding element.
vocab = sorted(set(flatten(stories)))
vocab.insert(0, '<PAD>')
vocab_size = len(vocab)

# Create an index mapping for the vocabulary.
word2idx = {c:i for i, c in enumerate(vocab)}

# convert stories from strings to lists of integers
inputs_train, queries_train, answers_train = vectorize_stories(
inputs_test, queries_test, answers_test = vectorize_stories(

# convert inputs into 3-D numpy arrays
inputs_train = stack_inputs(inputs_train, story_maxsents, story_maxlen)
inputs_test = stack_inputs(inputs_test, story_maxsents, story_maxlen)
print("inputs_train.shape, inputs_test.shape", inputs_train.shape, inputs_test.shape)

# return model inputs for keras
return train_stories, test_stories, \
  inputs_train, queries_train, answers_train, \
  inputs_test, queries_test, answers_test, \
  story_maxsents, story_maxlen, query_maxlen, \
  vocab, vocab_size

# get the single supporting fact data
train_stories, test_stories, \
inputs_train, queries_train, answers_train, \
inputs_test, queries_test, answers_test, \
story_maxsents, story_maxlen, query_maxlen, \
vocab, vocab_size = get_data('single_supporting_fact_10k')

##### create the model #####
embedding_dim = 15

# turn the story into a sequence of embedding vectors
# one for each story line
# treating each story line like a "bag of words"
input_story_ = Input((story_maxsents, story_maxlen))
embedded_story = Embedding(vocab_size, embedding_dim)(input_story_)
embedded_story = Lambda(lambda x: K.sum(x, axis=2))(embedded_story)
print("input_story_.shape, embedded_story.shape:", input_story_.shape, embedded_story.shape)

# turn the question into an embedding
# also a bag of words
input_question_ = Input((query_maxlen,))
embedded_question = Embedding(vocab_size, embedding_dim)(input_question_)
embedded_question = Lambda(lambda x: K.sum(x, axis=1))(embedded_question)

# add a "sequence length" of 1 so that it can
# be dotted with the story later
embedded_question = Reshape((1, embedding_dim))(embedded_question)
print("inp_q.shape, emb_q.shape:", input_question_.shape, embedded_question.shape)

# calculate the weights for each story line
# embedded_story.shape        = (N, num sentences, embedding_dim)
# embedded_question.shape     = (N, 1, embedding_dim)
x = dot([embedded_story, embedded_question], 2)
x = Reshape((story_maxsents,))(x) # flatten the vector
x = Activation('softmax')(x)
story_weights = Reshape((story_maxsents, 1))(x) # unflatten it again to be dotted later
print("story_weights.shape:", story_weights.shape)

x = dot([story_weights, embedded_story], 1)
x = Reshape((embedding_dim,))(x) # flatten it again
ans = Dense(vocab_size, activation='softmax')(x)

# make the model
model = Model([input_story_, input_question_], ans)

# compile the model

# train the model
r =
[inputs_train, queries_train],
validation_data=([inputs_test, queries_test], answers_test)

# Check how we weight each input sentence given a story and question
debug_model = Model([input_story_, input_question_], story_weights)

# choose a random story
story_idx = np.random.choice(len(train_stories))

# get weights from debug model
i = inputs_train[story_idx:story_idx+1]
q = queries_train[story_idx:story_idx+1]
w = debug_model.predict([i, q]).flatten()

story, question, ans = train_stories[story_idx]
for i, line in enumerate(story):
print("{:1.5f}".format(w[i]), "\t", " ".join(line))

print("question:", " ".join(question))
print("answer:", ans)

# pause so we can see the output
input("Hit enter to continue\n\n")

##### two supporting facts #####

# get the two supporting fact data
train_stories, test_stories, \
inputs_train, queries_train, answers_train, \
inputs_test, queries_test, answers_test, \
story_maxsents, story_maxlen, query_maxlen, \
vocab, vocab_size = get_data('two_supporting_facts_10k')

##### create the model #####
embedding_dim = 30

# make a function for this so we can use it again
def embed_and_sum(x, axis=2):
x = Embedding(vocab_size, embedding_dim)(x)
x = Lambda(lambda x: K.sum(x, axis))(x)
return x

# define the inputs
input_story_ = Input((story_maxsents, story_maxlen))
input_question_ = Input((query_maxlen,))

# embed the inputs
embedded_story = embed_and_sum(input_story_)
embedded_question = embed_and_sum(input_question_, 1)

# final dense will be used in each hop
dense_layer = Dense(embedding_dim, activation='elu')

# define one hop
# the "query" can be the question, or the answer from the previous hop
def hop(query, story):
# query.shape = (embedding_dim,)
# story.shape = (num sentences, embedding_dim)
x = Reshape((1, embedding_dim))(query) # make it (1, embedding_dim)
x = dot([story, x], 2)
x = Reshape((story_maxsents,))(x) # flatten it for softmax
x = Activation('softmax')(x)
story_weights = Reshape((story_maxsents, 1))(x) # unflatten for dotting

# makes a new embedding
story_embedding2 = embed_and_sum(input_story_)
x = dot([story_weights, story_embedding2], 1)
x = Reshape((embedding_dim,))(x)
x = dense_layer(x)
return x, story_embedding2, story_weights

# do the hops
ans1, embedded_story, story_weights1 = hop(embedded_question, embedded_story)
ans2, _,              story_weights2 = hop(ans1,              embedded_story)

# get the final answer
ans = Dense(vocab_size, activation='softmax')(ans2)

# build the model
model2 = Model([input_story_, input_question_], ans)

# compile the model

# fit the model
r =
[inputs_train, queries_train],
validation_data=([inputs_test, queries_test], answers_test)

### print story line weights again ###
debug_model2 = Model(
[input_story_, input_question_],
[story_weights1, story_weights2]

# choose a random story
story_idx = np.random.choice(len(train_stories))

# get weights from debug model
i = inputs_train[story_idx:story_idx+1]
q = queries_train[story_idx:story_idx+1]
w1, w2 = debug_model2.predict([i, q])
w1 = w1.flatten()
w2 = w2.flatten()

story, question, ans = train_stories[story_idx]
for j, line in enumerate(story):
print("{:1.5f}".format(w1[j]), "\t", "{:1.5f}".format(w2[j]), "\t", " ".join(line))

print("question:", " ".join(question))
print("answer:", ans)
print("prediction:", vocab[ np.argmax(model2.predict([i, q])[0]) ])

# plot some data
plt.plot(r.history['loss'], label='loss')
plt.plot(r.history['val_loss'], label='val_loss')

# accuracies
plt.plot(r.history['acc'], label='acc')
plt.plot(r.history['val_acc'], label='val_acc')
